ClickHouse: Release 24.8 Webinar

ClickHouse Release
24.8 LTS

Release 24.8 Webinar

1. (50 min) What's new in ClickHouse 24.8 LTS.

2. (10 min) Q&A.

Release 24.8 LTS

ClickHouse LTS Release.

β€” 19 new features 🌻

β€” 8 performance optimizations πŸ„

β€” 65 bug fixes πŸ¦‹

Small And Nice Features

Multiquery Mode By Default

In clickhouse-client and clickhouse-local:


$ clickhouse-local -q "SELECT 1; SELECT 2;" Code: 62. DB::Exception: Syntax error (Multi-statements are not allowed): failed at position 9 (end of query): ; SELECT 2;. . (SYNTAX_ERROR) $ clickhouse-local --multiquery "SELECT 1; SELECT 2;" 1 2 $ clickhouse-local -n "SELECT 1; SELECT 2;" 1 2


$ clickhouse-local --query "SELECT 1; SELECT 2;" 1 2 $ ch "SELECT 1; SELECT 2;" 1 2

Works for complex SQL scripts with INSERT and SELECT queries.

Developer: FFish.

Virtual Column _etag

:) SELECT _path, _etag FROM s3('s3://ookla-open-data/parquet/performance/**') LIMIT 10

ETag - an HTTP header, identifying the resource for caching purposes.

In S3 it is typically a weak hash (MD5) of the object content
(but it could also depend on the way how the object was uploaded).

Implemented for S3, Azure, and HDFS.

Developer: Skyoct.

Hive-Style Partitioning

A partitioning of data into different directories,
when an object path contains sub-directories in the form of key=value.



ClickHouse 24.8:

SET use_hive_partitioning = 1;

— enables virtual columns type, year, quarter
  and automatically infers their types.

Developer: Yarik Briukhovetskyi.

Hive-Style Partitioning

ClickHouse 24.8:

SET use_hive_partitioning = 1;

— enables virtual columns from the paths: type, year, quarter
  and automatically infers their types.


Developer: Yarik Briukhovetskyi.


But we already had a function for that, format:

:) SELECT format('Hello, {} {}!', 123.4, 'world') AS str β”Œβ”€str─────────────────┐ β”‚ Hello, 123.4 world! β”‚ β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜

The new function, printf is added for compatibility with Spark:

:) SELECT printf('Hello, %g %s!', 123.4, 'world') AS str β”Œβ”€str─────────────────┐ β”‚ Hello, 123.4 world! β”‚ β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜

Developer: TaiYang Li. (for project Gluten, which is an accelerator for Spark)

Tagged Query Cache

SET use_query_cache = 1, query_cache_tag = 'abc';

Queries with different query_cache_tag will be cached independently.

Use-case: save certain results to the cache for further access,
without interfering other queries.

The cache for different users is already separated by default,
caching for queries with different significant settings is also separate.

Developer: Sakulali.

Control Of Projections During Merges

A table in ClickHouse can contain "projections" — they represent the same data in a different physical order or an aggregation, to automatically optimize queries by using this data.

CREATE TABLE hits (CounterID UInt32, URL String, ... PROJECTION totals (SELECT CounterID, count(), uniq(URL) GROUP BY CounterID) ) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (CounterID, EventTime);

What happens in the case of a non-trivial background merges
in ReplacingMergeTree, AggregatingMergeTree and similar,
and OPTIMIZE table DEDUPLICATE queries?

Before version 24.8, projections became out of sync with the main data.

Developer: ShiChao Jin.

Control Of Projections During Merges

What happens in the case of a non-trivial background merges
in ReplacingMergeTree, AggregatingMergeTree and similar,
and OPTIMIZE table DEDUPLICATE queries?

Before version 24.8, projections became out of sync with the main data.

Since version 24.8, it is controlled by a new table-level setting:

deduplicate_merge_projection_mode = 'throw'/'drop'/'rebuild'

Since 24.7, we also have a setting to control the behavior w.r.t. lightweight deletes: lightweight_mutation_projection_mode.

Developer: ShiChao Jin.

Performance Improvements

Optimization For Subcolumns

Complex data types are represented by multiple streams of data.

Example 1: an Array is represented by array elements and array sizes.
Example 2: a Nullable is represented by the values and a null mask.

The optimization allows to read only required streams.


In version 24.8 it is enabled by default!

Developer: Anton Popov.

OPTIMIZE Query For Join Tables

Join tables contain pre-computed right hand side for JOINs
in the form of a hash table in memory, and they are used
for improving query performance.

Now you can do OPTIMIZE TABLE on a Join table,
and it will lower its memory usage by better packing.

total_rows:                      1786034200
formatReadableSize(total_bytes): 257.06 GiB

total_rows:                      1786034200
formatReadableSize(total_bytes): 184.63 GiB

Developer: Duc Canh Le.

Faster Merges

If there is a large number of columns and data parts, merges can spend a lot of time in scheduling processing the next unit of work.

In version 24.8, merges are optimized by batching small units of work.

Example: a table with 250 sparse columns:

Before: 26.0 seconds.
After: 13.2 seconds.

It is controlled by the new table-level setting, merge_preferred_step_execution_time_ms,
which is alrady set by default to the optimal value.

Developer: Anton Popov.


If you managed to create too many tables...

Dropping them is now faster by better parallelism.

Developer: Nikita Mikhaylov.

Faster ORC writing

Writing arrays into ORC now is ~15% faster.

Developer: TaiYang Li.

Faster plain_rewritable Disks


The "plain_rewritable" disk type allows you to create MergeTree tables
on a shared storage, such as S3, with a single writer and any number of readers, enabling data lake scenario for data sharing with ClickHouse.

Disks created after 24.8 will use an optimal data layout for S3,
(consolidating metadata in a single prefix).


Developer: Jilia Kartseva.

Something Interesting

Analyzer In Production

Analyzer — is a new infrastructure for query analysis
and optimization in ClickHouse.

It provides better compatibility and feature completeness
and enables complex query optimizations.

22.10: experimental πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬

24.3: beta πŸ†

24.8: production πŸ₯³

It is battle-tested and enabled on all new services in ClickHouse Cloud!

The New Kafka Engine πŸ§ͺ

The Kafka engine exists in ClickHouse since 2017
— it implements streaming consumption and data pipelines from Kafka.

Its downside: non-atomic commit to Kafka and to ClickHouse, leading to the possibility of duplicates in the case of retries.

Now there is an option to manage the offsets in Keeper:

SET allow_experimental_kafka_offsets_storage_in_keeper = 1; CREATE TABLE ... ENGINE = Kafka( 'localhost:19092', 'topic', 'consumer', 'JSONEachRow') SETTINGS kafka_keeper_path = '/clickhouse/{database}/kafka', kafka_replica_name = 'r1';

Developer: JΓ‘nos Benjamin Antal.

The New Kafka Engine πŸ§ͺ

CREATE TABLE ... ENGINE = Kafka( 'localhost:19092', 'topic', 'consumer', 'JSONEachRow') SETTINGS kafka_keeper_path = '/clickhouse/{database}/kafka', kafka_replica_name = 'r1';

With the new option it does not rely on Kafka to track the offsets,
and does it by itself with ClickHouse Keeper.

If an insertion attempt fails, it will take exactly the same chunk of data and repeat the insertion, regardless of network or server failures.

This enables deduplication and makes the consumption exactly-once.

Developer: JΓ‘nos Benjamin Antal.

TimeSeries Engine πŸ§ͺ

Now ClickHouse supports Prometheus protocols for remote write and read.

The new, TimeSeries Engine implements storage for metrics.

SET allow_experimental_time_series_table = 1; CREATE TABLE tbl ENGINE = TimeSeries; -- the default options. CREATE TABLE tbl ENGINE = TimeSeries DATA ENGINE = MergeTree TAGS ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree METRICS ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree;

Developer: Vitaly Baranov.

TimeSeries Engine πŸ§ͺ

$ cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/prometheus.yaml prometheus: port: 8053 handlers: my_rule_1: url: '/write' handler: type: remote_write database: default table: tbl my_rule_2: url: '/read' handler: type: remote_read database: default table: tbl my_rule_3: url: '/metrics' handler: type: expose_metrics

Developer: Vitaly Baranov.

TimeSeries Engine πŸ§ͺ

ClickHouse is listening the Prometheus protocol
and ready to receive metrics.

TimeSeries engine is simple to use, but allows many customizations:
— put some tags (e.g., hostname) into separate columns;
— adjust table's primary key;
— adjust column types;
— ...

But there is more work to do:
— support for PromQL;

Developer: Vitaly Baranov.

JSON Data Type πŸ§ͺ

SET allow_experimental_json_type = 1; CREATE TABLE test (time DateTime, data JSON) ORDER BY time; -- or with parameters: data JSON( max_dynamic_paths = N, max_dynamic_types = M, some.path TypeName, -- a type hint SKIP, -- ignore some paths SKIP REGEXP 'paths_regexp')

Developer: Pavel Kruglov.

JSON Data Type πŸ§ͺ

How it works:

— Analyzes the JSON and infers data types for every path.

— Stores every path and every distinct type as a subcolumn.

— Up to the maximum number, when it will fallback
  to storing the rest of the paths together.

It enables fast column-oriented storage and queries
on arbitrary semistructured data!

Developer: Pavel Kruglov.

JSON Data Type πŸ§ͺ

How to insert:
— insert with the JSONEachRow format;
— insert a string containing JSON to the column of JSON type;
— insert with the JSONAsObject format
  to put the whole object into the JSON column;
— cast from String to JSON;

CREATE TABLE test (data JSON) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO test VALUES ('{"a" : {"b" : 42}, "c" : [1, 2, 3]}'); INSERT INTO test FORMAT JSONEachRow {"data": {"a" : {"b" : 42}, "c" : [1, 2, 3]}}; SELECT data FROM test;

Developer: Pavel Kruglov.

JSON Data Type πŸ§ͺ

How to select:
— read a certain path as a Dynamic column: SELECT data.a AS x, toTypeName(x) FROM test;
— read a certain path and cast to the desired data type: SELECT data.a.b::UInt32 AS x, toTypeName(x) FROM test;
— read a certain path and assume its data type: SELECT data.a.b.:Int64 AS x, toTypeName(x) FROM test;
— read a subobject as JSON: SELECT data.^a AS x, toTypeName(x) FROM test;

Developer: Pavel Kruglov.

JSON Data Type πŸ§ͺ


Developer: Pavel Kruglov.



Continuous insertion from S3 in ClickPipes.
Support for _path, _size, _timestamp virtual columns.

Kafka connector now supports schema ids inside messages
and JSON flattening.

The clickhouse-rs Rust driver is now official!

Updates for Fivetran and dbt integrations,
as well as the Java, Python, and node.js drivers,
Grafana, and OTEL.

+ Thanks for many fixes to our contributors:
the4thamigo-uk, rjoelnorgren, steffen030, dmitryax, pimeys, pan3793, vrischmann, jmaicher, ShoshinNikita, Fiery-Fenix, loyd, v3xro, Defman.


— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Culver City, CA, Aug 21th
— πŸ‡­πŸ‡° Hong Kong Happy Hour, Aug 21th
— πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί Melbourne, Aug 21th
— πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ Guangzhou, Aug 25th
— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Bellevue, WA, Aug 27th
— πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί Sidney, Sept 5th
— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ San Francisco, CA, Sept 5th
— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Raleigh, NC, Sept 9th
— πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Toronto, Sept 9th
— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ New York, Sept 10th
— πŸ‡³πŸ‡± Coffee AMA, Amsterdam, Sept 11th
— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Chicago, IL, Sept 12th
— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Austin, TX, Sept 17th

I will be in person on some of these meetups :)

Reading Corner

— ClickHouse joins the AWS Activate program;
— Cognitiv builds better ML models with ClickHouse;
— Azur Games: 120 TB easy migration to ClickHouse Cloud;
— Postgres to ClickHouse replication using PeerDB;
— CryptoHouse: Free Blockchain Analytics;
— Introduction to Ibis with ClickHouse;
— ClickHouse for ML & AI;