ClickHouse Meetup in Madrid

New Features of ClickHouse

Secondary Indices

aka "Data skipping indices"

Collect a summary of column/expression values for every N granules.

Use this summaries to skip data while reading.

Indices are available for MergeTree family of table engines.

SET allow_experimental_data_skipping_indices = 1;

Secondary Indices

CREATE TABLE table (... INDEX name expr TYPE type(params...) GRANULARITY n ...) ALTER TABLE ... ADD INDEX name expr TYPE type(params...) GRANULARITY n ALTER TABLE ... DROP INDEX name

Secondary Index Types

— summary is just min/max boundaries of values;
— use when values are correlated to table order;
     or distributed locally; or sparse;

— summary is a set of all distinct values, but not larger than k;
— use when values are sparse or have low cardinality;
— reasonable values of k is about hundred;

Used for comparison and IN operators.

Secondary Index Types

Full text search indices (highly experimental)

ngrambf_v1(chars, size, hashes, seed)

tokenbf_v1(size, hashes, seed)

Used for equals comparison, IN and LIKE.

Secondary Indices

SELECT count() FROM test.hits WHERE URLDomain LIKE '' ┌─count()─┐ │ 1 │ └─────────┘ Processed 8.87 million rows

Secondary Indices

SET allow_experimental_data_skipping_indices = 1; ALTER TABLE test.hits ADD INDEX domain_index URLDomain TYPE set(1000) GRANULARITY 1; OPTIMIZE TABLE test.hits FINAL;

Secondary Indices

SELECT count() FROM test.hits WHERE URLDomain LIKE '' ┌─count()─┐ │ 1 │ └─────────┘ Processed 65.54 thousand rows

Per-Column Compression Codecs

col type CODEC(codecs...)

Available codecs:
— LZ4 (default);
— ZSTD; — level can be specified: ZSTD(1);
— LZ4HC; — level can be specified;
— Delta(N); — N is the size of the data type in bytes.

Codecs can be chained together:

time DateTime CODEC(Delta(4), LZ4)

— Delta is not a compression itself, it must be chained with a second codec.

Per-column codecs have priority over <compression> config settings.

Per-Column Compression Codecs

SELECT name, type, formatReadableSize(data_compressed_bytes) AS compressed, formatReadableSize(data_uncompressed_bytes) AS uncompressed, data_uncompressed_bytes / data_compressed_bytes AS ratio, compression_codec FROM system.columns WHERE (database = 'test') AND (table = 'hits') ORDER BY data_compressed_bytes DESC LIMIT 10 ┌─name────────────┬─type─────┬─compressed─┬─uncompressed─┬──────────────ratio─┬─compression_codec─┐ │ Referer │ String │ 180.19 MiB │ 582.99 MiB │ 3.2353881463220975 │ │ │ URL │ String │ 128.93 MiB │ 660.58 MiB │ 5.123600238954646 │ │ │ Title │ String │ 95.29 MiB │ 595.01 MiB │ 6.244488505685867 │ │ │ WatchID │ UInt64 │ 67.28 MiB │ 67.70 MiB │ 1.0062751884416956 │ │ │ URLHash │ UInt64 │ 37.09 MiB │ 67.70 MiB │ 1.8254645825020759 │ │ │ ClientEventTime │ DateTime │ 31.42 MiB │ 33.85 MiB │ 1.0772947535816229 │ │ │ EventTime │ DateTime │ 31.40 MiB │ 33.85 MiB │ 1.0780959105750834 │ │ │ UTCEventTime │ DateTime │ 31.39 MiB │ 33.85 MiB │ 1.0783175064258996 │ │ │ HID │ UInt32 │ 28.28 MiB │ 33.85 MiB │ 1.19709852035762 │ │ │ RefererHash │ UInt64 │ 27.68 MiB │ 67.70 MiB │ 2.445798559204409 │ │ └─────────────────┴──────────┴────────────┴──────────────┴────────────────────┴───────────────────┘

Per-Column Compression Codecs

ALTER TABLE test.hits MODIFY COLUMN ClientEventTime CODEC(Delta(4), LZ4)

Changes are applied lazily: only for new data and while merging.

ALTER TABLE test.hits UPDATE ClientEventTime = ClientEventTime WHERE 1

— a trick to rewrite column data on disk.

— also executed in background, look at system.mutations table.

Per-Column Compression Codecs

SELECT name, type, formatReadableSize(data_compressed_bytes) AS compressed, formatReadableSize(data_uncompressed_bytes) AS uncompressed, data_uncompressed_bytes / data_compressed_bytes AS ratio, compression_codec FROM system.columns WHERE (database = 'test') AND (table = 'hits') AND (name = 'ClientEventTime') ORDER BY data_compressed_bytes DESC LIMIT 10 ┌─name────────────┬─type─────┬─compressed─┬─uncompressed─┬──────────────ratio─┬─compression_codec────┐ │ ClientEventTime │ DateTime │ 19.47 MiB │ 33.85 MiB │ 1.7389218149308554 │ CODEC(Delta(4), LZ4) │ └─────────────────┴──────────┴────────────┴──────────────┴────────────────────┴──────────────────────┘ ALTER TABLE test.hits MODIFY COLUMN ClientEventTime CODEC(Delta(4), ZSTD), UPDATE ClientEventTime = ClientEventTime WHERE 1 ┌─name────────────┬─type─────┬─compressed─┬─uncompressed─┬─────────────ratio─┬─compression_codec────────┐ │ ClientEventTime │ DateTime │ 14.00 MiB │ 33.85 MiB │ 2.417489322394391 │ CODEC(Delta(4), ZSTD(1)) │ └─────────────────┴──────────┴────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────────────────┘

LowCardinality Data Type

Just replace String to LowCardinality(String)
for string fields with low number of unique values.

... and it will magically work faster.

For high cardinality fields it will work fine but pointless.


city name — ok;
domain of URL — ok;
search phrase — bad;
URL — bad;

LowCardinality Data Type

SELECT count() FROM hits_333 WHERE URLDomain LIKE '' ┌─count()─┐ │ 101 │ └─────────┘ 1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.446 sec. Processed 333.36 million rows, 7.32 GB (747.87 million rows/s., 16.43 GB/s.)

LowCardinality Data Type

ALTER TABLE hits_333 MODIFY COLUMN URLDomain LowCardinality(String) Ok. 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 16.228 sec.

LowCardinality Data Type

SELECT count() FROM hits_333 WHERE URLDomain LIKE '' ┌─count()─┐ │ 101 │ └─────────┘ 1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.244 sec. Processed 333.36 million rows, 1.72 GB (1.37 billion rows/s., 7.04 GB/s.)

Two times faster!

Advanced Text Processing

Multiple substring search

Multiple regexp search

Fuzzy string comparison and search

Fuzzy regexp match

SELECT count() FROM hits_100m WHERE multiSearchAny(URL, ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '//', '', ''])

Advanced Text Processing

— multiSearchAny
— multiSearchFirstPosition
— multiSearchFirstIndex
— multiSearchAllPositions
+ -UTF8, -CaseInsensitive, -CaseInsensitiveUTF8

— multiMatchAny
— multiMatchAnyIndex
— multiFuzzyMatchAny
— multiFuzzyMatchAnyIndex

— ngramDistance
+ -UTF8, -CaseInsensitive, -CaseInsensitiveUTF8

Advanced Text Processing

SELECT DISTINCT SearchPhrase, ngramDistance(SearchPhrase, 'clickhouse') AS dist FROM hits_100m_single ORDER BY dist ASC LIMIT 10 ┌─SearchPhrase────┬───────dist─┐ │ tickhouse │ 0.23076923 │ │ clockhouse │ 0.42857143 │ │ house │ 0.5555556 │ │ clickhomecyprus │ 0.57894737 │ │ 1click │ 0.6 │ │ uhouse │ 0.6 │ │ │ 0.625 │ │ │ 0.64705884 │ │ madhouse │ 0.6666667 │ │ funhouse │ 0.6666667 │ └─────────────────┴────────────┘ 10 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.267 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 1.52 GB (78.92 million rows/s., 1.20 GB/s.)

HDFS import/export

(contributed by TouTiao/ByteDance)

SELECT * FROM hdfs( 'hdfs://hdfs1:9000/file', 'TSV', 'id UInt64, text String); INSERT INTO TABLE FUNCTION hdfs( 'hdfs://hdfs1:9000/file', 'TSV', 'id UInt64, text String) VALUES ... CREATE TABLE (...) ENGINE = HDFS('hdfs://hdfs1:9000/file', 'TSV');

Drawbacks: not all authentication methods supported.

New Formats


— efficient implementation, no excessive copies/allocations
(ClickHouse style);

— transparent type conversions between Proto's and ClickHouse types (UInt8, Int64, DateTime <-> sint64, uint64, sint32, uint32, String <-> bytes, string, etc.);

— support for Nested types via repeated Messages or parallel repeated fields;

format_schema setting must be specified.

New Formats


— columnar format; naturally implemented without unpacking of columns;

— transparent type conversions also supported.

Data Type Domains

IPv4 and IPv6 data types

(contributed by Altinity)

Data Type Domains

SELECT DISTINCT ClientIP6 FROM test.hits LIMIT 10 ┌─ClientIP6─┐ │ │ ��m��� │ │ �� � │ │ ���9EY │ │ ���9�� │ │ ��]�� │ │ ��T/�� │ │ ��m�(� │ │ ��_N( │ └───────────┘

Data Type Domains

SELECT DISTINCT IPv6NumToString(ClientIP6) FROM test.hits LIMIT 10 ┌─IPv6NumToString(ClientIP6)─┐ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ └────────────────────────────┘

Data Type Domains


Data Type Domains

SELECT DISTINCT ClientIP6 FROM test.hits LIMIT 10 ┌─ClientIP6──────────────┐ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ │ ::ffff: │ └────────────────────────┘

Multiple JOINs

without subqueries

(I will not show you an example.
It should work as in any mature SQL DBMS.)


— only equi-JOIN;

— no condition pushdown to the right hand side;

(work in progress)


To extend ORDER BY clause in your favourite
Replacing/Aggregating/Collapsing MergeTrees

A column must be added at the same time:


Skip Unused Shards

for distributed queries

(contributed by Spotify)

SET optimize_skip_unused_shards = 1

Lowered metadata size in ZooKeeper

<merge_tree> <use_minimalistic_part_header_in_zookeeper> 1 </use_minimalistic_part_header_in_zookeeper> </merge_tree>

Not enabled by default.


Support for the three latest major releases:    19.3.7    19.1.14

Publicly available per commit builds:


Public Test Datasets

Automated per-commit performance tests

Added UBSan and TSan (along with ASan).


Spring 2019

Adaptive index granularity

Row-level security

Column and table TTL expressions

Indexing by z-Order curve

DDL queries for dictionaries

ASOF JOIN (by Citadel Securities)

Summer 2019

S3 import/export

Multiple storage volumes

Role Based Access Control

Aggregate functions for machine learning

Autumn/Winter 2019

Merge JOIN

Workload management

Optimization of ORDER BY and GROUP BY with table's order key.



Web site:

Google groups:!forum/clickhouse

Maillist: [email protected]

Telegram chat:

