JIT in ClickHouse

JIT in ClickHouse

About me

Maksim, developer of ClickHouse.

Query processing

1. Vectorized query execution

2. Runtime code generation

ClickHouse uses both

Query execution plan


Query execution plan

EXPLAIN PIPELINE SELECT a + b + c FROM test_table ┌─explain───────────────────┐ │ (Expression) │ │ ExpressionTransform │ │ (SettingQuotaAndLimits) │ │ (ReadFromStorage) │ │ TinyLog 0 → 1 │ └───────────────────────────┘


Expressions are represented in DAG that has input, function, constant nodes.

SELECT a + b + c FROM test_table;

How JIT can help

1. Improve L1, L2 cache usages.

2. Less code to execute. Better usage of CPU branch predictor.

3. Eliminate indirections.

4. Multiple operations are fused in one function. More optimizations can be performed by compiler.

5. Using target CPU intructions.

Why does it matter

Latency Comparison Numbers
L1 cache reference                           0.5 ns
Branch mispredict                            5   ns
L2 cache reference                           7   ns 14x L1 cache
Mutex lock/unlock                           25   ns
Main memory reference                      100   ns 20x L2 cache, 200x L1 cache
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy             3,000   ns        3 us
Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network       10,000   ns       10 us
Read 4K randomly from SSD*             150,000   ns      150 us ~1GB/sec SSD
Read 1 MB sequentially from memory     250,000   ns      250 us
Round trip within same datacenter      500,000   ns      500 us


Compilation costs

JIT standard expression compilation time is around 15ms. Grows linearly with code size.

Typical compiled expression code take around 600 bytes.


SELECT a + b + c FROM test_table;


SET compile_expressions = 1; SELECT a + b + c FROM test_table;


compile_expressions is true by default from ClickHouse 21.6

min_count_to_compile_expression by default is 3

compiled_expression_cache_size by default is 1 GB

Which functions can be compiled

1. Binary operators. Example plus, minus, multiply, xor.

2. Unary operators. Example abs.

3. Logical functions. Example and, or, not.

4. Branch functions. Example if, multiIf.

5. Bit shift functions. Example bitShiftLeft

JIT compilation examples

SELECT count() FROM hits WHERE ((EventDate >= '2018-08-01') AND (EventDate <= '2018-08-03') AND (CounterID >= 34)) OR ((EventDate >= '2018-08-04') AND (EventDate <= '2018-08-05') AND (CounterID <= 101500))

— 649 533 033 rows per second.

JIT compilation examples

SET compile_expressions = 1; SELECT count() FROM hits WHERE ((EventDate >= '2018-08-01') AND (EventDate <= '2018-08-03') AND (CounterID >= 34)) OR ((EventDate >= '2018-08-04') AND (EventDate <= '2018-08-05') AND (CounterID <= 101500))

— 865 491 052 rows per second.
+33% performance improvement!

JIT compilation examples

SELECT number * 2 + number * 3 + number * 4 + number * 5 FROM system.numbers FORMAT Null

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.903 sec. Processed 329.23 million rows, 2.63 GB (364.78 million rows/s., 2.92 GB/s.

JIT compilation examples

SET compile_expressions = 1; SELECT number * 2 + number * 3 + number * 4 + number * 5 FROM system.numbers FORMAT Null

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.602 sec. Processed 1.89 billion rows, 15.15 GB (1.18 billion rows/s., 9.46 GB/s.)
+323% performance improvement!

JIT compilation examples

SET compile_expressions = 1; WITH number AS x, if(x = 1, 1, if(x = 2, 2, if(x = 3, 3, if(x = 4, 4, if(x = 5, 5, if(x = 6, 6, if(x = 7, 7, if(x = 8, 8, if(x = 9, 9, if(x = 10, 10, if(x = 11, 11, 12))))))))))) AS res SELECT sum(res) FROM numbers(10000000)

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.150 sec. Processed 10.02 million rows, 80.18 MB (66.95 million rows/s., 535.56 MB/s.).

JIT compilation examples

SET compile_expressions = 1; WITH number AS x, if(x = 1, 1, if(x = 2, 2, if(x = 3, 3, if(x = 4, 4, if(x = 5, 5, if(x = 6, 6, if(x = 7, 7, if(x = 8, 8, if(x = 9, 9, if(x = 10, 10, if(x = 11, 11, 12))))))))))) AS res SELECT sum(res) FROM numbers(10000000)

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.061 sec. Processed 10.02 million rows, 80.18 MB (163.20 million rows/s., 1.31 GB/s.)
+244% performance improvement!

Performance CPU cycles

Performance CPU cache misses

Performance CPU branch misses

Aggregation in ClickHouse

EXPLAIN SELECT sum(UserID) FROM default.hits_100m_obfuscated GROUP BY WatchID ┌─explain──────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Expression ((Projection + Before ORDER BY)) │ │ Aggregating │ │ Expression (Before GROUP BY) │ │ SettingQuotaAndLimits │ │ ReadFromMergeTree │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────┘

Aggregation in ClickHouse

Aggregator interaction with functions

1. Initializaze aggregate data for each function.

2. Fill aggregate data for each function.

3. Merge aggregate data for each function.

4. Insert result into final columns for each function.

Additional cases

1. Nullable wrapper.

2. Aggregation combinators -If, -Array.

Both contain are wrappers around other aggregate function. A lot of indirections.

JIT compilation examples

SELECT sum(UserID), sum(ClientIP), sum(CounterClass), sum(CounterID), sum(WatchID) FROM default.hits_100m_obfuscated GROUP BY WatchID

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 5.504 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 2.50 GB (18.17 million rows/s., 454.21 MB/s.)

JIT compilation examples

SET compile_aggregate_expression = 1; SELECT sum(UserID), sum(ClientIP), sum(CounterClass), sum(CounterID), sum(WatchID) FROM default.hits_100m_obfuscated GROUP BY WatchID

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 4.146 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 2.50 GB (24.12 million rows/s., 603.06 MB/s.)
+34% performance improvement!

JIT compilation examples

SET compile_aggregate_expression = 1; WITH (WatchID % 2 == 0) AS predicate SELECT minIf(UserID, predicate), minIf(ClientIP, predicate), minIf(CounterClass, predicate), minIf(CounterID, predicate), minIf(WatchID, predicate) FROM default.hits_100m_obfuscated GROUP BY WatchID

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 6.234 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 2.50 GB (16.04 million rows/s., 401.05 MB/s.)

JIT compilation examples

SET compile_aggregate_expression = 1; WITH (WatchID % 2 == 0) AS predicate SELECT minIf(UserID, predicate), minIf(ClientIP, predicate), minIf(CounterClass, predicate), minIf(CounterID, predicate), minIf(WatchID, predicate) FROM default.hits_100m_obfuscated GROUP BY WatchID

— 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 4.146 sec. Processed 100.00 million rows, 2.50 GB (24.12 million rows/s., 603.06 MB/s.)
+71% performance improvement!

Performance CPU cycles

Performance CPU cache misses

Performance CPU branch misses



min_count_to_compile_aggregate_expression by default is 3

compiled_expression_cache_size by default is 1 GB. Same cache with compiled expressions from ExpressionStep.

Which functions can be compiled

1. Most common aggregate functions sum, count, min, max, avg, avgWeighted

2. Combinators -If

3. Null aggregation function adaptor.


JIT compilation improves performance of expression execution step in 1.5-3 times (for some cases more than 20 times), and aggregation step in 1.15-2 times

For expression step is available from release 21.6.

For aggregation step will be available from release 21.8 or 21.9.
